2014 Genocide
The association Voice of Ezidis, co-founded in Paris in 2019 by survivors of the 2014 genocide perpetrated by the so-called Islamic State, is committed to the support of the Ezidi community, both in France, where some refugee families have fled since the beginning of the genocide, and in Iraq, where a lot of Ezidis still reside. Voice of Ezidis defends the rights of the Ezidi people and advocates for the awareness and recognition of the genocide it endured in 2014.
The 2014 Genocide
The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has been officialy recognized by the United Nations as the perpetrator of a genocide of Ezidis in the Sinjar area, northern Iraq. The genocide led to the expulsion, flight and exile of thousands of Ezidis from their ancestral lands in Upper Mesopotamia. Wikipedia
Ezidis have endured countless acts of discrimination, persecution and attempts of annihilation, throughout their history, especially since the emergence of the Abrahamic religions. 73 of these attacks can be counted, commanded by various the various powers that controlled the region.
In 2014, a 74th atrocious act was committed by the so-called Islamic State organization against the Ezidi community, a well-elaborated plan to destroy the very foundation of a society that was carrying high the banner of peace and the culture of tolerance.

Some survivors managed to flee to the Kurdistan region of Iraq or the Sinjar mountain, dominating the region and considered as sacred for the Ezidis for centuries. There, they were confronted by the lack of water and food but also the constant attacks of the terrorists, settled at the bottom of the mountain.
The women and young girls who were kidnapped were directly transported to Mosul or Raqqa to be sold as slaves. They were forced to convert, were raped, humiliated, tortured and detained.
The young boys, abducted as well, were sent to training camps to be brainwashed in order to be thrown on the frontline.
The survivors have lost everything and been forced away from their homes, schools, universities or jobs. Survivors were sent to Internally Displaced People camps (IDPs), where, nowadays, more than 300.000 of them have been living for 7 years.
Currently, camps are not safe and stable places to live in due to lack of services, aid and personnel; not to forget about the indifference of governmental bodies and local institutions. Most of the Ezidis suffer from post-traumatic psychological disorders and are lacking proper help, some of them have committed suicide.

The village of Kocho, situated south of the Sinjar village suffered a specific fate in this genocide. While the entire region was invaded and ISIS began its genocidal entreprise against the community, they besieged Kocho for 12 days. During this time period, the village leaders negotiated with the ISIS fighters to safely leave the village but the attempts to resolve the situation failed. On the 15 of August, the villagers were ordered to gather in the village school. On arrival, the women and children were separated from the men and adolescent boys. The latter were taken outside the village to be killed. The women and girls were taken to Raqqa and Mosul to be sold as slaves.